Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mobile Technologies

While the various mobile technogies are interesting, I am still a long way off from finding them essential to my daily life. Interesting? Yes. But an unlimited text and media plan is no small investment when I consider the other ways I choose to spend my money in any given month. I text friends, but only on a limited basis and again, rarely out of necessity. I'm guessing because I am not on the go outside of work (give me the beach, a book, or playing with the kids), it hasn't found its way into the fabric of my daily life.

That said, I am fascinated by watching how the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) is integrating various technologies. While many people find the organization and sport distasteful, it is still an interesting model to watch as it increases its popularity through YouTube (vlogs of the President of the company, Dana White....name one other sport whose President gives that much intimate access) and Twitters. At a recent event in Las Vegas, he Twittered that they were giving away four tickets to the pay per view (which is an "old school" use of technology and promotion taken right out of cable TV and WWE's playbook) in the lobby of the hotel. A guy raced down to find Dana White and his handlers with the tickets, and meanwhile, the whole thing was being recorded for later posting on their YouTube site. Really quite remarkable.

It's really the younger crowd that these technologies are trying to connect with, but there is such a thin line between what is new and hip and what is so yesterday. What is MySpace today is Facebook tomorrow. HDVD today, BluRay tomorrow. How do we stay trendy without putting all our eggs in the wrong technological basket?

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