Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2.0 Mashups and Library Sites

I thought the Wikimapia was pretty cool. I'm curious as to how GPS/Cellphone/Websites will all interconnect. This website would be really interesting if you were in say, St Louis, and were looking for a mall/restaurant whatever and could get easy directions. I have used Shelfari for awhile not and enjoy that. The only other one that I really enjoyed was the BookMooch. I may go back to that one and sign up/participate. The other ones....not so much. GuruLibrary was OK, but to me Shelfari was more aesthetically pleasing (although I don't add books that don't have the covers avaiable on Shelfari whereas a lot of people do).

Both and PopUrls fall into the category for me of a ton of information. On the PopUrls, it is interesting to be able to scan down throughout and see updates to say..Flickr, YouTube, whatever. I clicked on a link and clicked on another link from there and from there another until I found something I was genuinely interested in looking at for awhile. My tendency would be to bookmark that site, but not necessarily go back to one of these original sites. I can't describe the difference between why I prefer Yahoo over Google or Amazon over well....almost any other book search site. There is something about how they meet my very specific needs and am consistently not disappointed. If a website is very hit and miss as far as my satisfaction with the results, I don't tend to go back.

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