The most interesting aspect of this technology is not the influence it has on people that have a social calendar filled up weeks or months in advance. The updates and twittering that an organization can do about events happening in a week, the same day, or in a few hours to those patrons who have signed up as friends or followers has enormous potential for those looking for something to do versus spending an evening in front of the TV, surfing the Web, or just hanging out at the house. Putting in some measurement survey at the end of every program (email sent, survey sent through an update for people to respond to, or something) would again provide that organization with some way to determine the effectiveness of using
MySpace or
Facebook or Twitter or the website to announce events. So, much like our current Computer Class did you hear about this program: Newsletter, Staff,
FB update,
Twittter, etc, etc.
FB updates and Twitter are really the virtual equivalent of word of mouth. While I am not a part of many Orlando networks, I do receive many invitations from friends all over the country for book signings, art openings, and fund raising for various causes or non profits. And...were I in those cities, because we tend to be a family that decides in any given day what we would like to do, I would take advantage of these last minute updates and opportunities. Would we still choose to sometimes just hang out, go to the beach, play video games, or whatever? Sure we would. But, the idea that the library might bring in one more family or group of connected friends to one more program per week as a function of doing a simple update would mean at least 52 more people per year coming to programs, being more aware of our offerings, checking out materials, developing relationships with our staff, and ultimately, beoming supporters of and voters for the library.
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