Friday, June 15, 2007

This week's lesson outside of Copyright

This may have been my favorite 2.0 week as I really liked all of the various music link sites. It totally had me clicking around and trying different things for quite awhile. I got a little bogged/blogged down with the Copyright rules and what that may mean in the future, but all of the music sites were interesting. I was telling a coworker it would be cool to have some sort of musically searchable database where you find a "clip" of music from say a commerical, plug it in, and then it would reveal that yes...this is not just AT & T background music but a concerto by Mozart or a Phillip Glass work. That reminds me of a joke my wife told me.

Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who's there?
Knock knock. Who'(interrupt person asking by answering Phillip Glass).

Hardy har har. I laughed so hard!

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